Roku Private Channel Pear Banned
More than a month ago, Roku removed XTV which was one of the most popular private channels among Roku users. Today, Roku continued its effort against channels that offer users a way to watch ‘pirated’ content by removing Pear as well. Pear was a private channel that alot of users turned to after the downfall of XTV.

Roku Private Channel Pear Banned
Roku Private Channel Pear Banned
Many Roku users reported receiving the following messaging when attempting to load the Pear channel on their streaming devices:
“This channel is no longer available due to a third-party copyright claim and for violating Roku’s Term of Service. To remove this channel, go to the home screen on your Roku, select this channel, press the * key on your remote and select Remove Channel.”
Related: Best VPN for Roku Revealed.
Why is Roku Removing Private Channels?
Back in June 2017, Roku sales were banned in Mexico because of piracy. Cablevision, a Mexican cable provider, demanded the court order because they claimed hackers were using Roku devices to offer illegal content. A Cablevisión spokeswoman told Reuters. “We would also like Roku Inc to better supervise the use of its software so that it’s not used inappropriately.”
What are Roku Private Channels?
Private channels that aren’t available on the public Roku store. When you attempt to add these channels to your Roku device, you’re usually presented with the following message.
“THIS IS A NON-CERTIFIED CHANNEL. Roku requires all channels to abide by Roku’s terms and conditions and to distribute only legal content. Roku does not test or review non-certified channels. By continuing, you acknowledge you are accessing a non-certified channel that may include content that is offensive or inappropriate for some audiences. Moreover, if Roku determines that this channel violates copyright, contains illegal content, or otherwise violates Roku’s terms and conditions, then ROKU MAY REMOVE THIS CHANNEL WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE.”
Roku had initially introduced the ability to create private channels in order for developers to test their channels before making them available for the public.
What’s Next for Private Channels on Roku?
It is clear that Roku are upping their effort to remove any private channels that might be offering viewers pirated content. Roku had also required channel developers to use a verified email address, link at least one Roku device, and even register a payment method in their Roku account.
Which Private Roku Channels Could Be Banned Next?
It’s safe to say that Roku won’t be stopping here. After XTV and Pear have been banned, the American streaming devices producer will keep their eyes on any private channels that violate their ToS. It will be certainly interesting to see which channels will get the chop next.
Like many I suppose, Channel Pear sent us e-mail saying it was now again available on roku. So I signed back up for their service. Now I’m having problems, and I can’t contact Channel Pear to try to solve the problem because I can’t find any customer help information. It’s every man for himself with them. Load up Channel Pear to Roku. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. Here’s what I mean. Get it to work on Roku and the next day or couple days later when I click on the channel it says it’s no longer available on Roku. Then sometimes I can reload it and it does the same thing again. Then their are other times where the channel doesn’t want to load on Roku so it’s not going to give me a paring number. It’s becoming a headache, could it be my device or is it Channel Pear . Or maybe it’s Roku. I am tiered, I am not paying Channel Pear so I can be trying to reload their program every couple days. And well if it continues my debit card is going to have to stop contributing to my headache.. Is anybody out there having the same problems. If not, that would mean it’s my Roku system.
I used to be able to watch this on my computer. Now all my play buttons are gone. How do i watch on my computer or get the play buttons back?
The Channel Pear Private Roku Channel is back as of 10/19/19!
Is there any way to watch Channel Pear in June of 2019?
I have recently seen articles describing how to again watch which on ROKU but the instructions are the same procedures prior to the ban.. I have never got it to work with PLEX but would really like to know if it is possible to use it at the present time.
I agree with the others I only use Roku now for youtube purposes it has taken all of the good channels off I have no use for it I have tge fireetick love it has replace my roku, Roku better wake up and read these comment a lot of people are going to be getting rid of the Roku and go to other devices.
Roku has removed the private channel M3u player black again. This is the 3rd time for this channel. It came back twice but i don’t think it will be allowed for a third time. I used this channel more than any others they offer. The m3u lists availabe on the net gave you access to (when the links were working) to live tv channels, movies and live sporting events. All for free. Roku does offer the red m3u player but it is not as user friendly as the now removed m3u black player. They both do EXACTLY the same thing so i don’t understand why roku keeps removi g the m3u black player. The ONLY difference is the black player is ad free. Apparently roku is so strapped for cash that it has to remove any channel that does not include ads.
M3U Red is no longer available either
Roku has become cable /satellite TV without a dish.
It is now expensive to pay for each channel you may want.
The ADs on Roku will TORTURE YOU
The “FREE channels. Ad 1 of 5 Ad 2 of 5 Ad 3 of 5 Ad pf 5…couple minutes of show Ad 1 of 3 Ad 2 of 3 Ad 3 of 3..couple minutes of show Ad 1of 5 Ad 2of 5 Ad 3 of 5 Ad 4 of 5 Ad 5 of 5
Try flipping though a couple of channels to see what you may want to watch, you will watch dozen ads.
The Roku boxes seem to last 3 years [$50-100 every 2 -3 years[
The Roku remotes are cheaply made and break. New remotes cost $30 plus shipping.
When i left DISH satellite in 2012, they were giving me a special $20 month package, with local channels. If i can get that back, i am going back to satellite.
Just recalled. A couple of years ago, and only for a couple of days, when you turned on Roku, you were forced to watch a video ad BEFORE the Roku home screen on.
They must have got so many complaints so quick, they must have learned quick to drop that idea for an AD.
Always wondered if that will be tried again someday.
I’ve been keeping an eye on Roku since late last year when they dropped the ban hammer. All I see now are channels you have to pay for, and the free ones are all riddled with MANY commercials and are of low quality. Well, unless you want church services. LOTS of online churches. It looks to me that the only quality Roku offers will cost additional money.
I’d recommend people to drop Roku and get an Android box. The software is not proprietary (which Roku’s is), so there are a LOT of developers out there and updates are plentiful. There is MUCH more free quality content on an Android box. Roku has just gotten plain ole greedy and will be nothing more than a memory in the years to come. Mark my words.
Roku deleted Tenches TV this week. Great channel with tons of movies both old classics and new releases. They also had a wide variety of TV shows, documentaries, etc etc.
Damn shame they booted one of the channels I always watched! Guess I will be trying out a new android TV box soon!
I tried the fire stick but found it confusing to use kodi for private channels. (not tech suave). But losing channel pear maybe I should try fire stick again. I also like drizzle cast looks like there having problems to.
Hello ethel I am not tech savy either but I have a firestick and I go on youtube I do not know the guy name but his youtube channel is called Streaming Made Easy and he will telk how you can add channels to your firestick. Mobdro and Terrarium Tv both are great.
Getting a firestick since roku wants to charge for EVERYTHING. Oh that’s if you don’t mind the extremely old movies. The reason I bought a roku was because of cable going ridiculously high. Roku was great when they had XTV & channel pear . Not any more,I’m done.
I switched to a Firestick about the time you made your comment and have been more than happy. I get a LOT of live channels, US, Uk, and other countries.
Roku blew it. I switched to a Firestick and Roku is gathering dust. Best move I made.
Channel pear is a scam, I paid for it and I can’t even watch it and then the company keeps charging me after I canceled my subscription. The phone line is always busy and they don’t answer the emails. They suck!!!
I dropped my Channel Pear subscription and they did stop charging me (which was back in November). I do still have the free account where I can have 5 channels added. I have three in there now (local for hockey) and use it through my Fire Stick on SPMC. Works fine but their channel selection is spotty and a lot are offline. Fortunately, the ones I have are working fine.
I packed my new roku stick away the day they removed xtv, what’s the point of having a roku?
I bought my roku six months ago…I was very happy with xtv and channel pear…I’m a hard working single person with low income…it was nice to have a few channels to watch. I mean before digital there used to be free air channels on tv when you didn’t have cable! So it should be like this way also. I think I’m going to sell my roku or throw it out and get something else. Kodi or chrome cast will xtv or channel pear work? I mean channel pear is a business…you get a few free channels to try and if you want more you buy…it’s pretty fair to me, why put innocent hard working people out of business? Why upset your customers? Roku you will go down for being anal!
channel PEAR infrastucture was a one man operation
run by Jason Botello of Jidly LLC, the sole owner,
developer, admin, etc. He went missing about mid-May this year. channel PEAR was always on the razor’s edge of legality. It kept a database of user submitted links to various streams and channels. These could be freely distributed or copyrighted streams. Jason would take care of any DMCA notices. He provided the platform and infrastructure. He reaped the financial benefits of a few users’ hard and tedious work in searching for and posting working links for everyone.
I always thought that it was a ‘Tom Sawyer
white-washes a fence’ type of operation.
Don’t blame Roku. They have had to deal with the legal consequences. They are only trying to cover their corporate butts from further litigation.
channel PEAR should still be available through
Kodi or Plex. I don’t expect it to last much longer. I would recommend that you look for a good Android box. There are lots of better free or paid apps for live TV that that are regularly updated and actually work.
May as well have cable since roku is being a total butthead. There’s a reason we all bought a roku & it wasn’t so we WOULD have to pay a cable price !!
I agree with all comments regarding Roku.
FYI, You can add channel pear to Kodi on Firestick.
How do you add channel pear on kodi. Having a hard time
Roku can kiss my ass goodbye
I bought a Roku Premiere + 6 weeks ago, switching from a Fire Tv stick. I can’t tell you how much I regret the decision. The deletion of Channel Pear is the last straw. If anybody’s interested I’ll be putting my slightly used Roku box on Ebay as soon as my new Fire TV device is delivered.
Totally disappointed with the removal of Channel Pear. This was a huge decision in me dropping cable and going to an antenna and using Roku. I agree with other comments that at this point you have to pay for a cable or streaming service. I miss not getting MSNBC! Have to look at other options now.
PMS-NBC, eh? Yeah, you couldn’t pay me enough to watch that sh*t!
Roku is useless to me if I can’t get some of my private channels. I will return the devices to the seller if this is not resolved soon.
Will Channel Pear and/or the original XTV play on any other devices or through any other methods, ones which are not as restrictive as Roku?
I am now thinking of disconnecting my Roku device. Most of the good streaming channels on Roku are only available by payment anyway. So may as well have cable or satellite television subscriptions. If everyone who is displeased by Roku’s actions against Channel Pear and XTV would disconnect their Roku devices and stop paying for any premium services through Roku, perhaps that will send Roku a message.
No sadly Roku really don’t care about any of us just want that money they are being 5 and so when I can I will be getting a firestick and sale my Roku device on Craigslist