Deleting Your Cache, Cookies And Web History On Mozilla Firefox
In order to protect your privacy and maintain anonymity, you might be going to great lengths – using VPNs, Tor browsers and the like. However, the fact remains that you can’t always hide your web activities. For example, if someone gets hold of your digital devices, they will know our web history and what you are up to.

Deleting Your Cache, Cookies And Web History On Mozilla Firefox
This is because many browsers store your search history indefinitely, by default. This is actually in your own interest, to help you get to a specific page on the web, which you had visited a very long time ago. However, there is a way you can maintain your digital privacy by hiding your past visits on your personal devices. Let us see below how to clear your web history and related data from the web browser Mozilla Firefox. Once you apply these steps, you will be able to utilize Firefox in a safer manner.
How To Clear Cache On Mozilla Firefox
Firefox cache is stored temporary data like images, scripts, or parts of the websites that you visit. This is used to improve the speed of your browsing experience.
Automatic Clearing Of Cache:
- Click on the Menu button and go to Options
- Go to Privacy & Security panel, then to the History section
- You will find a drop-down menu adjacent to Firefox will. Click on Use custom settings for history
- In the options, mark the checkbox that says Clear history when Firefox closes
- Click on the Settings button beside this option. This will open the window for Settings for Clearing History
- Select the checkbox for Cache and click OK
- Closing the page for about: preferences will automatically save all the changes you made and cache will be cleared whenever you close Firefox
Clear Cache Manually:
- Click on the Menu button, and go to Options
- Go to Privacy & Security panel
- Click on Cookies and Site Data section and then hit Clear Data
- Then you can see the options to clear cookies and site data. Deselect the checkbox Cookies and Site Data
- Below that, there is a checkbox Cached Web Content. Select that and click on the Clear button
- Close the page for about: preferences. Your recent changes will be automatically saved.
Or, you can manually clear the cache through another method by clicking the Library button in the toolbar or Menu. Go to History, then click on Clear Recent History. In the options for Time range to clear, click on the drop-down menu and select Everything. From the items list, check Cache and deselect all other items which you want to keep. Hit the Clear Now button.
How To Clear Cookies On Mozilla Firefox
Cookies are that data that is stored on your device by most websites you visit. Cookies contain information like login status or site preferences.
Clear Cookies For A Single Website:
- For the website on which you currently are, to the left side on the address bar, you find Site Info button
- Clautoick on Site Info button and select Clear Cookies and Site data
Clear Cookies For Selected Websites:
- Click on the Menu button and go to Options
- Go to Privacy & Security panel and click on Cookies and Site Data section
- Click on Manage Data button to the right. This opens a dialog box for Manage Cookies and Site Data
- Enter the website URL or site name for which you wish to clear the cookies in Search websites field
- From the list of items that appear on the matching search results, select any one website or more
- Click on Remove Selected button
- If you wish to delete all stored data and cookies for all those entries, click on Remove All Shown
- Click on Save Changes and a confirmation dialog for Removing Cookies and Site Data confirmation appears. Click on OK
- Close the page for about: preferences
Clear Cookies And Site Data For Everything:
- Click on the Menu button and go to Options
- Go to Privacy & Security panel and click on Cookies and Site Data section
- Click on the Clear Data button to the right. This opens a dialog box for Clear Data
- You see the options for Cookies and Site Data and Cached Web Content. Select both checkboxes if you wish to clear cache also. Otherwise, just select Cookies and Site Data
- Click on Clear button
Clear Cookies But Keep All Other Data:
- Click on Menu and go to Library
- Go to History and click on Clear Recent History
- From drop-down menu for Time range to clear, set it to Everything
- From the items list, check Cookies and deselect all other items whose data you wish to keep.
- Hit Clear Now button and close the window for Clear All History
How To Clear Web History On Mozilla Firefox
Firefox stores your web history, which is the information like which sites you visited or the files you have downloaded.
Automatic Clearing Of Web History:
- Click on the Menu button and go to Options
- Go to Privacy & Security panel, then to the History section
- You will find a drop-down menu adjacent to Firefox will. Click on Use custom settings for history
- In the options, mark the checkbox that says Clear history when Firefox closes
- Click on the Settings button beside this option. This will open the window for Settings for Clearing History
- There are checkboxes against Cookies, Cache, browsing & download history, and other options. Select browsing & download history and other data which you wish to be cleared automatically whenever you close Firefox.
- Click OK and the window closes
- Closing the page for about: preferences will automatically save all the changes you made
Clear Web History Manually:
- Click on Menu and go to Library
- Go to History and click on Clear Recent History
- Click drop-down menu beside Time range to clear. Select the period for which you want to delete your history, ranging from last one hour to Everything
- The items to clear are displayed as Cookies, Cache, browsing & download history and other options. From these checkboxes, select the ones that you wish to clear.
- Hit the Clear Now button. This window will be closed and the items you selected will be removed from history
Clear Selected Websites From History:
- Click on the Library button and go to History
- Click on Show All History at the bottom. This opens the Library window
- On the top right corner of the window, you see the Search History field. Enter the website name that you which to delete from history
- Click on Enter and you see that a list of items appear for matching search results.
- Select any website you wish to remove and right click on it
- From the options, click on Forget About This Site
- Close the window. This deletes all your saved data for this site, except for cookies, images, and pop-ups.
Wrap Up
Sometimes clearing your browser’s foot trail simply isn’t enough. For proper online security and privacy, you need a VPN. It will allow you to encrypt all of your Internet traffic and keep your IP address hidden. That way not even your ISP will be able to determine which sites you’re using. Take a look at our list of best VPNs for FireFox. Stay safe online!