Top Free Usenet Newsreader Clients of 2016

A newsreader is an application that reads articles on Usenet. It basically acts as a gateway to Usenet forums. Usenet newsreader can connect to a newsgroup server via NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol). Using a newsreader allows you to download articles as well as post them. Newsreader clients that allow you to download binary files (music, images, software, games, and videos) are also known as “binary downloaders”. In this article, I’ve listed the best free and paid newsreader clients available online in 2016.

Top Free Usenet Newsreader Clients of 2016

Top Free Usenet Newsreader Clients of 2016

Best Free Usenet Newsreader Clients of 2016.

Usenet clients are usually open-source i.e. free also known as newsreaders. Newsreader clients deal with file extensions known as .NZB. Usenet clients like NZBGet, HelloNZB, Binreader and SABnzbd are some of the most commonly used. I will try to periodically try to add new newsreaders to list below.

Top Usenet Clients: 1. SABnzbd: Free Usenet Client.

SABnzbd is one of the best free newsreader clients out there. SABnzbd is web-based and compatible Linux, Mac, and Windows. It also supports multiple connections which is translated into better download speeds. If you are a Firefox user, there is a SABnzbd extension for the Firefox browser known as nzbdStatus. For Chrome, you can use the SABConnect++ extension.

Top Usenet Clients: 2. Powernzbd: Android Usenet Client.

If you use Usenet on your Android device, then Powernzbd is highly recommended. The app itself is not available on the Google Play Store. However, you can download the Powernzbd app from here.  Keep in mind that newsreader clients on Android are not as fast at their desktop counterparts.

Top Usenet Client: 3. HelloNZB: Usenet Client.

HelloNZB is a free Java-based newsreader client. It is compatible with both Linux and Windows. With a simple UI and tons of features that would usually only be available in paid clients, HelloNZB performs relatively well. SSL and multiple servers are both supported by HelloNZB.

Top Usenet Client: 4. Unison: Mac OSX Newsreader Client.

Unison is a free Usenet client for OSX-based devices. While the features available do have room improvement, Unison still does a solid job when it comes to downloading binaries as well as reading newsgroups.

Best Usenet Provider 2016?

Fast Usenet downloads mainly depend on two points. You need to use a good newsreader client but what’s more essential is the Usenet provider you are subscribed to. Speed, retention time, SSL encryption, multiple connections, and content availability. Given the large number of Usenet providers available, I’ve prepared a list of the top Usenet providers in 2016.

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Top Usenet Newsreader Clients of 2016 – Wrap Up.

If you have tried Usenet clients other than the ones listed above and you think they are worth a mention, please let me know by posting a comment below.

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